2025 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT) -65859

Tutorial 1: On Aspects of Virtual Reality

*****Wednesday 30th May 2025*****

The IoT Tutorial will be presented by Dr. Phillip Bradford (University of Connecticut, Stamford, USA).

Those who are interested to participate, MUST register (see below) before taking the workshop.

Phillip Bradford

Phillip Bradford

(University of Connecticut, Stamford, USA)

Bio: Dr. Phillip G. Bradford is on the faculty at the University of Connecticut. He is the director of the computer science program at the University of Connecticut in Stamford.

He is a computer scientist with extensive experience in academia and industry. Phil was a post-doctoral fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, he earned his PhD at Indiana University, an MS form the University of Kansas, and a BA from Rutgers University. He was on the faculty at Rutgers Business School and the University of Alabama’s Engineering School. He worked for BlackRock, Reuters Analytics, founded a startup and worked with a number of early stage firms. He was a Principal Architect for General Electric. Phil has a deep belief in bringing real research to practice. This is the root of his entrepreneurial perspective. Phil has a handful of best-in-class results. His Erdős Number is 2. He has given over 70 talks in 10 countries and he is the author or co-author of over 70 articles.


Kindly follow the Registration page for further details.


Tutorial 2: Applications on Generative AI

*****Tuesday 29th May 2025*****
The GenAI tutorial will be presented by Dr. Sudipta Sahana (University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata).

Those who are interested to participate, MUST register (see below) before taking the workshop.

Sudipta Sahana

(University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata)

Bio: Dr. Sudipta Sahana is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering ( AI & ML) at UEM, Kolkata, India. He has completed his PhD from the University of Kalyani and his B.Tech and M.Tech from WBUT. With fifteen years of experience in teaching and research, Dr. Sahana has published more than 75 papers in international journals and conference proceedings, along with contributing chapters to edited volumes. His research interests focus on Cloud computing and machine learning. He is a life member of CSI and a fellow member of IETE.


Kindly follow the Registration page for further details.

Important Deadlines-
Full Paper Submission:4th April 2025
Acceptance Notification: 15th April 2025
Final Paper Submission:15th May 2025
Early Bird Registration: 25th April 2025
Presentation Submission: 15th May 2025
Conference: 28 - 30 May 2025
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-Best Paper Award will be given for each track.

-Conference Record Number- 65859